Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ page offers essential details about Chirayu Super Speciality Hospital's services, treatments, and appointment booking. Find answers to common questions about our specialized medical care, diagnostic tests, and treatment options. This resource ensures a smooth, informed experience when accessing our comprehensive healthcare services.

1. APTT Test

The APPT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) test measures the time it takes for blood to clot, evaluating the functionality of clotting factors in the blood.

It is crucial for diagnosing bleeding disorders, monitoring anticoagulant therapy, and assessing clotting function before surgery.

No special preparation is usually needed. Inform your healthcare provider about any medications or supplements you are taking.

Results are generally available within a few hours to 1 day after the test.

The test helps diagnose bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, monitor anticoagulant therapy, and assess clotting function for surgical evaluation.


The TB GOLD Test is an advanced diagnostic tool that uses an interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) to detect latent tuberculosis infection.

Unlike the tuberculin skin test (TST), the TB GOLD Test does not require a return visit for reading and provides more accurate results by measuring the immune response to TB-specific antigens.

No special preparation is required. You can eat and drink normally before the test, but inform your healthcare provider about any medications or recent illnesses.

Results are typically available within 2 to 7 days after the sample is analyzed in the laboratory.

The TB GOLD Test helps accurately diagnose latent TB infection, which is crucial for preventing the progression to active TB and ensuring appropriate treatment and management.


A positive result suggests exposure to Treponema pallidum, the bacterium causing syphilis. Further tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

No, the VDRL test detects antibodies to Treponema pallidum, which may persist even after successful treatment. Additional tests may be required for confirmation.

Yes, routine VDRL testing during pregnancy helps detect and treat syphilis early to prevent transmission to the fetus.

No specific precautions are necessary. Follow any instructions provided by your healthcare provider based on your results.

Consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation, as additional tests or clinical assessment may be necessary.