Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ page offers essential details about Chirayu Super Speciality Hospital's services, treatments, and appointment booking. Find answers to common questions about our specialized medical care, diagnostic tests, and treatment options. This resource ensures a smooth, informed experience when accessing our comprehensive healthcare services.

1. By Pass Surgery

Bypass surgery, also known as Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG), is a procedure to replace damaged or blocked arteries in the heart with blood vessels from another part of the body.

Patients with severe coronary artery disease, where the arteries are significantly narrowed or blocked, may need bypass surgery to improve blood flow to the heart.

A surgeon takes a healthy blood vessel from your leg, arm, or chest and connects it to the blocked coronary artery, bypassing the blocked section to improve blood flow.

Risks include infection, bleeding, heart attack, stroke, and reactions to anaesthesia, though serious complications are rare.

The surgery typically lasts between 3 to 6 hours, depending on the number of arteries being bypassed and the patient’s condition.


No, this test is performed after consuming a standardized meal.

Typically, blood samples are taken 2 hours after finishing the meal.

Yes, it helps assess how well your body processes glucose after eating.

Elevated levels may suggest impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes.

Results help determine appropriate dietary and medical interventions.


Protein C is a protein that helps regulate blood clotting by deactivating certain clotting factors and promoting clot breakdown. Its proper function is crucial for preventing excessive clotting and related disorders.

A blood sample is collected from a vein in your arm. The sample is then analyzed to measure Protein C activity and antigen levels.

No special preparation or fasting is required before the test. You can eat and drink normally.

Results are typically available within a few hours to 1-2 days, depending on the laboratory’s processing time.

If your results are abnormal, your healthcare provider will discuss them with you and may recommend further testing or adjustments to your treatment plan based on your specific condition.