Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ page offers essential details about Chirayu Super Speciality Hospital's services, treatments, and appointment booking. Find answers to common questions about our specialized medical care, diagnostic tests, and treatment options. This resource ensures a smooth, informed experience when accessing our comprehensive healthcare services.


The PSA Total Test measures the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood, helping to screen for prostate cancer, monitor existing conditions, and evaluate treatment effectiveness.

Avoid vigorous activities and sexual activity for 48 hours before the test. Inform your doctor about any medications you are taking. No fasting is required.

Elevated PSA levels may suggest prostate inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or prostate cancer. Further tests may be required for a definitive diagnosis.

Results are typically available within 24 to 48 hours after the blood sample is collected.

Discuss the results with your healthcare provider to determine the next steps, which may include additional tests or a referral to a specialist for further evaluation.


Elevated levels may suggest dehydration, chronic inflammation, or certain cancers.

Yes, corticosteroids, hormones, and certain medications can influence protein levels.

Symptoms may include edema (swelling), fatigue, and changes in hair and skin texture.

Frequency depends on individual health conditions and your doctor’s recommendations.

It helps in diagnosing conditions affecting protein levels but may require additional tests for specific diseases.

3. X – RAY

An X-Ray Test uses electromagnetic radiation to create images of the inside of the body, helping diagnose various conditions.

Remove metal objects and wear a hospital gown if requested. Inform the technologist if you are pregnant.

The imaging process takes only a few minutes, but results are usually available within a day or two.

The X-Ray Test assesses bone structure, soft tissues, and joint conditions, providing insights into various health issues.

Book online through our website or contact our team to schedule your appointment.